Friday, 17 May 2013

I'm a bit predictable...

I haven't done a post in a while because there's not a lot of book news at the moment. So....I decided to talk about a little obsession of mine..... TEA.

I love it in almost any taste, form and color. I often talk about how I love tea, but I hadn't realized just how much until my birthday when the majority of my birthday presents consisted of tea related items.

I'm not complaining at all because (to tell you the truth) I am completely stoked! I'm kinda glad I'm so predictable because I got some awesome gifts! I am, however, quite worried about the sudden influx of tea in my collection. It has come a bit excessive to the point where I don't know if I can drink it all anytime soon. To give you guys a indication of what I'm talking about I have added a picture of my tea related items:

I have a whole cupboard dedicated to this mess. The crazy thing it most of them are presents (including both teapots and the box). My friends are fueling my obsession. To that I say: Thank you. You know me well/I am predictable.

If anyone shares this obsession with me post a pic of your tea collection or simply let me know what you favorite flavors are. I'd love to know!

Friday, 3 May 2013

Keepers back up

Yay! The Keepers is available again on Amazon!

 Now to work on getting the print version as spiffy :)

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Updating Ebook!

Just to let everyone know I submitted an updated version of the Keepers in ebook form on Amazon.
I've eliminated further typos and errors. It's now 100 percent free of error.

The good news is the print version will be coming really soon to. 

Turning 23!

So my birthday is coming up on May 13. I'm turning 23 and I can't lie......I feel like I'm starting to get old.

I know I'm not, but I have this weird phobia of turning 25 and each year I'm creeping towards it.

Anyway! I view this year as very special. On New Years Eve I said to my boyfriend Daniel: "13 is my birth date and my favorite number. This year is going to be the best ever."

So far I think It's been really good. I'm finishing uni this year, my business is doing well, I have released The Keepers and who knows what else I'll do. I plan to release the second book in The Keepers Trilogy.

Other then that I already know what my present is. Daniel is getting me a kindle. Getting an ereader will be awesome. My laptop hurts my eyes when I read ebooks.

The scary thing is that I now have four portable devices that can access the internet....what is the world coming to?! It won't even give me a chance to break away from the computer spell. Hehe JK, I'm pretty good and tearing myself away from the internet.

Ok enough ramblings.... I really have to go to bed....I wasn't successful in getting myself to sleep tonight.... It's 3am..... so much for being good at getting off the internet.......